Review Requests

Editors Weekly does not charge for review request submissions. As we receive hundreds of requests, once submitted, requests will not be confirmed, nor will status updates be provided unless you are an EDW Author.

Our Process

Please ensure that you provide full and accurate information during the sign up process to Editors Weekly and also when submitting your title for consideration. Changes will not be allowed after the submission is done. Please do not contact us for updates on your submission.

All submissions must include a professional, unique cover, and works must be edited professionally. Any work we deem to be insufficiently produced will not be reviewed. If fields are filled incorrectly during the submission process, or there are obvious grammatical or spelling errors, we will assume the same care has been put into your title, and this makes it very unlikely we will review it.


EDW Authors will be provided feedback on their submission should it be rejected and be provided an opportunity to rectify and resubmit, if possible. Once a review is complete, the review, along with an author biography will be posted online.

Once your title is reviewed, it will then be eligible for our other free promotional tools.

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